cPanel Web Hosting starting from $9.95 /Mo
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Affordable and Reliable Web Hosting in Adelaide.

We provide reliable high performance Web Hosting in Adelaide to give our customers a better user experience. For most of our websites First 60 Days web hosting service is for free. Reliable Web Hosting in Adelaide keeps your website up and running with 99.9% uptime guarantee.

CPanel web hosting is a widely used web hosting platform that's ideal for all small businesses in Adelaide. The cPanel web hosting interface allows you to easily manage your emails, database, monitor your website bandwidth and get full statistics of your website visitors report.

Start enjoying today with the web's fastest, most reliable hosting service without a large price tag.

High Performance Servers

Cpanel Control Panel

Regular Automated Backups

MySQL databases

Spam and Virus Filtering

High levels of Site Security

AwStats Traffic Analysis

Over 15 years of Web Hosting

60 days Free SSL Certificate

Optimised for Wordpress Hosting

Secure Webmail

POP and IMAP Email

1 Click Install of over 100 Free Apps

PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3

Attach Files up to a total of 50MB per Email

Free Migration of your Account from other Hosts

Over 99.995% Uptime

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