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FAQ - Your questions? We got answers!
How long does it take to create a standard website?
Can I have Email accounts with my Web Hosting plan?
Yes! We can help you setup your Emails to be accessed via Mobile and your Desktop email program. There will not be any setup charges for configuring your email accounts. You can also try our Email Hosting trial Free for 60 days. No Setup fee and no Credit Card required.
Does Company offer phone support?
Yes! Phone support comes standard with our Pro Package. We offer email and live chat support options with our other packages, and we have a support ticket system where you can get help from our tech support team.
How much will it cost to design a standard website?
There are quite a few factors that are going to affect the ultimate cost of your website. These factors include how many pages you are going to have, if you will sell products on your website, the graphic work involved, and how interactive your website will be. A simple two or three page website can cost as little as a few hundred dollars. Please contact us to discuss your website requirements and we will be happy to provide a free quote based on your requirements.
Are there any ongoing costs associated with web design?
Domain name registration and hosting are on-going costs. Generally hosting is paid annually and domain name registration is paid annually as well. Depending on your requirements, there can also be costs involved in maintaining the site information and keeping the software up-to-date.. We are happy to discuss your requirements.